Thursday, July 30, 2020

my market story

this term we were learning about markets and being a market vender. so i wrote a story about being a market vender     

Hello im hayleigh i work at a market stall or to be more specific a night market i sell fruit and vegetables so i'm heading to the market right now in my car that has to have a trailer on it because in this trailer thingy it has all my stuff. Okay i'm here now and I'm putting all the fruit and vegetables on my shelves. “Hello” i hear in a kinda child like voice “yes” i reply “um do you sell um uh carrots” i looked down and saw a little girl “why do you need carrots from me” i softly replied “my mummy needs it for um soup” “oh” i said “here you go but you haft to pay for them” “ oh uh um eh how much are they?” “ 2 cents”
 “*sigh* i only have one cent so does that mean i can’t have them” i paused for a second “no it means you get 1 cent back because you didn’t pay the right amount” i say “oh i’ll see you next tuesday then ``''oh alright” right next customer. It was an old lady…..she hit my chest with her walking stick and screamed “GET ME POTATOS ASAP” “okay mam um i will get you some but first BACK OFF” “ NO” “SYLVIA HELP ME” i screamed in terror “uh…….NO i'm BUSY.” sylvia SHOUTED      *me throwing a potato at her head* but she returned the favor and threw it at my head. it knocked me out for about an hour *me waking up to see sylvia staring at me with a worried look on her face... “hayleigh are you okay” sylvia said “oww my head…...where am i” i said. “your in my office” sylvia whispered *i wake up* and sylvia tells me something
“Hayleigh” “yeah sylvia” “uhh you lost your job for falling asleep on a customers face” “oh so that's what i did”..........and now i work at MCDONALDS  but i still see sylvia every now and then.