Thursday, April 15, 2021

Anzac acrostic poem - topic

 This week for topic, my classmates were making stuff for anzac day. Here is my acrostic poem. It's about anzac.    i enjoyed doing it, and next time i woulden't change anything. do you like my work? 

Time teller - maths

 this week for maths i was working out how to tell the time. i enjoyed it.

next time i would change were the quarter past mark is.

do you like my work?

Monday, April 12, 2021

Predicting pets

 i predicted pets this time.

do you like my work?        i enjoyed it.

Predicting please please for the bees - reading

 Yet more predicting! my reading group, Toutouwai was predicting please please for the bees this week. so here is what i have done.   i think it was very fun and i enjoyed trying to predict what was going to happen when i flicked onto the next slide. next time i would change my predictions. what do you think of my work.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

The chromebook that got saved by a cat

 We were learning about how to use google slides to make animations for cybersmart. I made one about a cat that saved a chromebook twice from being dropped.                     I think it was very fun to do and next time i would change the order of events

Do you think it is interesting?