Monday, December 28, 2020

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

santas summer cloths(day 2)

 today i gave santa some summer cloths because he's in pretty warm cloths all the time.

Monday, December 21, 2020

hayleighs holiday song(day 1)

 today i created a xylophone using glasses from the kitchen! i used them by filling each glass up with a different amount of water and tapping on it with a spoon to make a song.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

weird and wacky writing tasks

This week my class was making a story about turning into a animal,bug or bird. i chose a swamp harrier wich is a new zealand native bird.

i think overall this was fun but it was tricky to decide what i would be.

If I were a swamp harrier I would swoop around the bright cloudy blue sky with the wind blowing under my wings. lunging at whatever I could get my talons on. I would eat things such as rabbits,hamsters,mice,frogs and other small animals. I would peck at the ground finding worms or getting pieces of grass for my nest. I would stay still if you were taking a photo of me but if you tried to touch me i would glide away.

if you were an animal/bug/bird what would you be and why?

super duper summarising

 In coin operated the boy wants to be an astronaut. He finds a rocket ride thing and begs his mum/auntie to go on it,his mum says no,he begs her and pulls out a quarter from his pocket, his mum/auntie bids him farewell. And off he goes. He thought he was going to the moon and realized that the thing he is on is not an actual rocketship. He puts up a lemonade stand and gets money until he is very old. He hops in the rocket and realizes it does not work. He kept pushing the button and the last two coins fell in the hole. Then he went to the moon. In the second animation the girl (luna chu) wants to be an astronaut for nasa and she has a dream of her and her dad went to the moon in a “rocketship” and her dad kissed her goodnight. Every year she starts to care less about her father. Her dad tries to give her a banana and she ignores him and goes to school. In the last year she walks home in the rain and wonders why her dad didn’t pick her up. When she got home her dad wasn’t there. She becomes an astronaut and is very happy.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Three little pigs animation

This week we were focusing on how to make an animation on google slides about our favourite myth or legend. I did the Three little pigs. I enjoyed a lot! What are your thoughts on my work?

bush dragonfly information


Friday, November 20, 2020

Monday, November 16, 2020

the graceful giant moth description

 this description is about giant moths. how do you think i did with it? 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

amazing inferring

 i am learning to infer from a short clip.

i enjoyed watching the video.

what do you think of my work? 😖

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Keep on

this was the last level of keep on dancing. 


Friday, November 6, 2020

Monday, November 2, 2020

concluding 2.0

i actually like concluding so this was really fun. do you like my work?

fantabulous conclusions


Friday, October 30, 2020

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

bug conclusions

i never have an idea of what to put in these descriptions. nothing else to say so...yeah

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

malaysion orchid bug slides

 holy snickerdoodles this was hard trying to get all this information.

Monday, October 19, 2020

honey bee dances

Since the inquiry this term was bugs i got this to do and now i finished it! it's about honey bees and you can tell me your opinion by commenting if you want.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

bug facts

 this is the fact file i created for our inquiry topic this term on bugs:💩

Earwig facts… Earwigs eat plants and insects regardless of if the thing is dead or alive. Earwigs are armed with strong forceps. Earwigs will hibernate in your home if they have to. Earwigs bites are not infectious! The earwigs name is based on a myth.

my chicken nugget book

 dis is my book i made about the stowy "hinemoa & tutanekai".link to book.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

design and technology

 i don't know how to describe this but i will put it in below.⇩

Friday, September 18, 2020

rongoa maori animation

 i made this animation based on a story i read and it took a really long time to finish. 0_0

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

how to make a poi. (by me)

this is my description of how to make a poi. i hope this is helpful.

First get 2 strands of 2 colours of wool.
Next tie a not across the top of the 4.
Then cross one colour over the top of the second strand of that colour. (repeat with the second colour.
Finish the bottom with a knot. Still leaving some loose wool at the very end.
Cut 2 circles out of a sheet of foam and scrunch them up into balls.
Finally tie it to the taura (cord) and pull a plastic bag over the foam balls.
(make sure you trim the edge of the plastic bag on the ball)
There you go ya got a poi!

Friday, September 4, 2020

my amazing animation

 this week i was learning how to infer and i watched birds on a wire and made this animation.🐈

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

inferring from photos

 this is my reading work from inferring from photos.

i enjoyed making this work because it was fun just trying to guess how the people in the photos were feeling. 

do you like my work?💖

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


 this week i was learning how to inference, and i had to infer how the people were feeling.

this was my image i made for it, and my buddy could guess how the characters were feeling.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

my market story

this term we were learning about markets and being a market vender. so i wrote a story about being a market vender     

Hello im hayleigh i work at a market stall or to be more specific a night market i sell fruit and vegetables so i'm heading to the market right now in my car that has to have a trailer on it because in this trailer thingy it has all my stuff. Okay i'm here now and I'm putting all the fruit and vegetables on my shelves. “Hello” i hear in a kinda child like voice “yes” i reply “um do you sell um uh carrots” i looked down and saw a little girl “why do you need carrots from me” i softly replied “my mummy needs it for um soup” “oh” i said “here you go but you haft to pay for them” “ oh uh um eh how much are they?” “ 2 cents”
 “*sigh* i only have one cent so does that mean i can’t have them” i paused for a second “no it means you get 1 cent back because you didn’t pay the right amount” i say “oh i’ll see you next tuesday then ``''oh alright” right next customer. It was an old lady…..she hit my chest with her walking stick and screamed “GET ME POTATOS ASAP” “okay mam um i will get you some but first BACK OFF” “ NO” “SYLVIA HELP ME” i screamed in terror “uh…….NO i'm BUSY.” sylvia SHOUTED      *me throwing a potato at her head* but she returned the favor and threw it at my head. it knocked me out for about an hour *me waking up to see sylvia staring at me with a worried look on her face... “hayleigh are you okay” sylvia said “oww my head…...where am i” i said. “your in my office” sylvia whispered *i wake up* and sylvia tells me something
“Hayleigh” “yeah sylvia” “uhh you lost your job for falling asleep on a customers face” “oh so that's what i did”..........and now i work at MCDONALDS  but i still see sylvia every now and then.

Monday, June 29, 2020

my persuasive poster

.Me and my class were making posters to persuade people to buy our favourite thing

Friday, June 26, 2020

my interesting inference.

this week in reading in reading i was learning how to inference.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

public or private information.

we were learning about public or private information

my fantastic monster