Wednesday, December 2, 2020

super duper summarising

 In coin operated the boy wants to be an astronaut. He finds a rocket ride thing and begs his mum/auntie to go on it,his mum says no,he begs her and pulls out a quarter from his pocket, his mum/auntie bids him farewell. And off he goes. He thought he was going to the moon and realized that the thing he is on is not an actual rocketship. He puts up a lemonade stand and gets money until he is very old. He hops in the rocket and realizes it does not work. He kept pushing the button and the last two coins fell in the hole. Then he went to the moon. In the second animation the girl (luna chu) wants to be an astronaut for nasa and she has a dream of her and her dad went to the moon in a “rocketship” and her dad kissed her goodnight. Every year she starts to care less about her father. Her dad tries to give her a banana and she ignores him and goes to school. In the last year she walks home in the rain and wonders why her dad didn’t pick her up. When she got home her dad wasn’t there. She becomes an astronaut and is very happy.

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