Thursday, March 11, 2021

heart book idea

 I have 3 cats. Their names are Frisky,Tj and Tigger. Frisky and Tj like cat milk while tigger prefers water. They are very energetic and like to play but get tired easily. My favourite thing to do with them is trying to race them to the kitchen when I am going to feed them. Of course I never win but it’s always fun to try. Tigger is pretty old but still loves hugs. One time we let Tj and Frisky outside. They like it alot. I used to have 4 cats but one died. Her name was shelby. She was pretty old though. My cousins also have 3 cats. Their names are possum,lucky and simba. Simba replaced their cat that got run over. His name was scooby. He was called scooby because my cousin likes scooby doo.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some cool cat names. I love how you have focused on your full stops and capital letters. They are perfect!
