Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Week eight writing - Superman's dilema


Week 8 Title: Superman's dilema

Despite being a brave and strong man that saves lives, even superman has problems. He loves his job, who wouldn't? Saving people is great. Suddenly the calm atmosphere of walking around the city had been interrupted by a call, the person said “please come my cat is stuck in a tree with my child. Normal people call the fire department but not people that live in this city. He went and got them out of the tree. He had been doing lots of stuff today, like rescuing people. “It is very exhausting,” he said. But the person thanked him anyway. He flyed around the cold airy city and finds trouble. There was a man throwing bowling balls everywhere, he swooped down like a hawk and landed on his feet like a cat. The man jumped back shouting “superman!?!?” superman put his hands on his hips and said “that's right!” the man ran off in fear. Superman picked up all the bowling balls and returned them to the bowling club. Superman started walking around the city again making sure no one was in danger. There wasn’t any trouble for a long time after that.

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