Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Week seven writing - The dust storm


Week 7 Title: The dust storm

Today on the middle school playground I was on the monkey bars when I saw pieces of bark flying in the air. I thought it was someone throwing bark so i didn’t worry about it. When i went down the slide there were people climbing up the slide and I said “why are you climbing up the slide?” they screamed “there’s a tornado!” but if i wanted to see it there was one problem, i was going down the slide and they were going up… i waited for them to squeeze past me and slid down the slide to take a look and saw leaves and dust swirling around, a bit of dust got in my eyes and i saw mrs gavender. I was shocked because there had not been a dust storm in New Zealand for a long time. But within a matter of seconds it was gone, it wasn’t long before the bell rang. It was pretty weird. 

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