Monday, May 10, 2021

Riddles, and visualisation

 Use your visualisation skills to figure out what the riddle is trying to describe. Add a photo of the answer in the box on the right. 

I am known as a king

The jungle’s where I reign

It is hard to tame me

And I have a large mane

I travel very slowly

When gliding along the ground

Maybe my shell weighs me down

In your garden I am found

I like to use my long tongue

To eat leaves from tops of trees

I don’t have to climb up though

With my long neck it’s a breeze

Voices boom from the big speakers

People shuffle to their big red seats and sit down

The smell of popcorn is all around

Where am I?

I have four legs and though they are short

I can eat any predator with a snap and a chomp!

I live in lakes and rivers, I can swim very fast

I have many rows of teeth, watch me creep and creep

A stallion’s a male

A female is called a mare

You can ride on one of these

On a carousel at a fair

I like to hop around

I’m a tadpole when I’m young

I am green and I croak

And catch flies with my long tongue

If you see one when you’re camping

It might give you a big fright

They can be black, brown or grizzly

And pandas are black and white

Some types slither on the ground

And some can live up in the trees

Adders, vipers and cobras

What kind of animals are these?

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