Thursday, June 10, 2021

Main idea Cat Debate - Cats are "Evil" or "Misunderstood"

Cat debate- After listening to the podcast write down the evidence/reasons why people think cats are “Evil” or “Misunderstood”

Cats are Evil 

They scratch and bite.

They tear up furniture.

They bring in bugs,insects and birds. 

They hiss

Cats are Misunderstood

The people that complain about cats probably don’t even have one themselves.

Cats are loving and make good companions.

Cats live for longer than most dogs and when they sit on your lap they pur and meow. 

Summary: What you believe and why… I believe cats are misunderstood because they are not at all “Feral beasts” They are loving companions that like to be a part of your everyday life. They love to accompany you when you are sad.


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