Monday, August 30, 2021

Movie Plot Challenge

 Today i watched Disney Pixar movie Luca. I decided to document what happens and find out the plot. It was fun and i enjoyed watching Luca, but the tricky part was that i would watch it and then i would forget to write one part and i would be writing down the bit i needed to write down but another part i would be writing down the bit that happened before that. 

Luca Plot

At first we see a ship gliding through

the water and they are trying to fish.

Luca jumps over as they are terrified and

start to push the net down. Then we see Luca underwater. His mum calls

his name and he heads back to her.

He has his meal, and swims back to the fish.

We see a diver come up behind him as he shrieks in fear.

Turns out, the diver was a fish named Alberto.

He gets rocks and carves into them to make a

human-like rock figure. He names him Smoogum,

And goes back out of water and Alberto teaches

him how to walk. They make a handshake and he

shows Luca his house, air, and gravity, and falls

through a bush. They build a type of bike and

Luca heads back home. The next day he goes

back with Alberto and they ride it down a cliff,

Alberto flings into the water. They make another

one and ride together. Alberto teaches him to say

“Silencio Bruno!” They nearly fly into a rock as

Luca flings it apart. They look at the moon from the

top of Alberto’s house. His parents get really mad when

he gets back home. He goes to Alberto for advice.

They then swim to Vespa town happily, when a

boat passes them. They go into vespa town and

they come across senior vespa. There are kids

that kick the ball to Luca and he kicks the ball

back and senior vespa comes along and nearly

turns Luca into a fish but Giulia saves them.

They go back to her house and Luca accidentally

throws water at Alberto and they slip under the

table. They agree to have a job and stay in

Giulia’s hideout. They go fishing with Giulia’s

dad. But the cat is there. They catch tons of fish

and run back to sign up to the tryathlon. They

train and finish when senior vespa tries to crash

into their boat. They stay in Giulia’s hideout once

again. They go over the roofs and look through

the telescope. He goes back to her house and

Alberto shows Luca his drawing. Senior Vespa

comes and Luca points the spear at him. They

head back and in the morning they practice.

Next they fish. The next day Giulia gets them

coffee and they practice more. They ride the

bike back to her house and Alberto gets mad

and rides the bike into the water. They argue

and Giulia comes back, and Alberto shows

Giulia his true form. Alberto swims away from

them. Luca goes to find him. Luca goes back

but Alberto doesn’t want him there. Alberto told

Luca his dad left. Luca decides to do it himself and

when they get to the biking Alberto comes to help

Luca, but it starts raining. Luca helps Alberto

from getting captured and they nearly get hit

by senior vespa’s spear but they don’t and

senior vespa calls them monsters, but Giulia’s dad

declares them as winners and they are very happy.

Luca’s parents come back and they get back together

as a team. Luca’s parents and Giulia’s dad have

dinner together. Giulia goes back to school and

Luca’s parents come and tell him he can go.

Alberto stays behind. Luca hops on the

train and says his last goodbyes to Alberto. 

I think the plot is about friendship and how

sometimes you have to leave someone behind.


  1. Great retell of the movie Hayleigh. I like how you added what you thought the meaning in the movie was.


  3. great job Hayleigh and alot of lines heaps but good job
