Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Week nine writing - Dear Auckland council


Week 9 Title: dear Auckland council

Dear Auckland council the new houses are bad because there ugly and homeless people still can’t live there because they cannot afford it. It is also bad because it is getting rid of trees and birds nests. I don’t like them because they do have more houses but the people that live in them should go back to were they came from.

I think that I should try and make the stories the same length.

Week eight writing - Superman's dilema


Week 8 Title: Superman's dilema

Despite being a brave and strong man that saves lives, even superman has problems. He loves his job, who wouldn't? Saving people is great. Suddenly the calm atmosphere of walking around the city had been interrupted by a call, the person said “please come my cat is stuck in a tree with my child. Normal people call the fire department but not people that live in this city. He went and got them out of the tree. He had been doing lots of stuff today, like rescuing people. “It is very exhausting,” he said. But the person thanked him anyway. He flyed around the cold airy city and finds trouble. There was a man throwing bowling balls everywhere, he swooped down like a hawk and landed on his feet like a cat. The man jumped back shouting “superman!?!?” superman put his hands on his hips and said “that's right!” the man ran off in fear. Superman picked up all the bowling balls and returned them to the bowling club. Superman started walking around the city again making sure no one was in danger. There wasn’t any trouble for a long time after that.

Week seven writing - The dust storm


Week 7 Title: The dust storm

Today on the middle school playground I was on the monkey bars when I saw pieces of bark flying in the air. I thought it was someone throwing bark so i didn’t worry about it. When i went down the slide there were people climbing up the slide and I said “why are you climbing up the slide?” they screamed “there’s a tornado!” but if i wanted to see it there was one problem, i was going down the slide and they were going up… i waited for them to squeeze past me and slid down the slide to take a look and saw leaves and dust swirling around, a bit of dust got in my eyes and i saw mrs gavender. I was shocked because there had not been a dust storm in New Zealand for a long time. But within a matter of seconds it was gone, it wasn’t long before the bell rang. It was pretty weird. 

Week six writing - the falling sand spheres


Week 6 Title: The falling sand spheres 

I went to the beach on Saturday with my friend Emma and we saw these big spherical shaped things while we were walking. I sat on it and fell through it because it was sand. I got a wet bum. We went to a nearby ice cream stall. I got an ice block and emma got a chocolate ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. we went swimming in the ocean. My mum was taking a photo for instagram with a dog filter and she thought that the big circle was a glitch in the filter. Then she looked behind her and screamed. One of them fell on Emma's head but it disintegrated. The next day I found a pile of sand and a broken window. I told my dad and he went to his car to try and fix it. There was a big clump of sand on his car so he had to go into the car wash. We fixed the window and my brother asked where his bird went. We found that Cleo had escaped because there was another one of the circle things on her cage. 

Monday, March 29, 2021

Time teller - maths


in the end - predicting

 In the End- Predicting how the story will end 

When the prediction was made… 

My Prediction 

Using Title

It will probably be about war.

Using Cover Images

There are photos/drawings of a man that has army gear on.

End of Page 3


Don will probably get hurt.

End of Page 6 

The medical person will come.

End of Page 10

Maybe they will try and kill the people

End of Page 12

The guy on the bed might pass.

How close were your predictions to how this story ended? 

Pretty close

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Using place value tens

  1. 40+20=60

  2. 60+10=70

  3. 40+50=90

  4. 24+30=54

  5. 54+20=74

  6. 72+10=82

  7. 56+40=96

  8. 13+50=63

  9. 80+12=92

  10. 35+40=75

Thursday, March 18, 2021

words i don't know from reading the book


Monday, March 15, 2021

Friday, March 12, 2021

addition through the number line


  1. 23+15=38

  2. 12+32=44

  3. 19+25=44

  4. 18+19=27

  5. 36+14=50

  6. 21+44=65

  7. 45+24=69

  8. 54+68=122

  9. 30+80=100

  10. 60+70=113

  11. 110+23=133

  12. 123+20=143

Taking care of chromebooks


Thursday, March 11, 2021

heart book idea

 I have 3 cats. Their names are Frisky,Tj and Tigger. Frisky and Tj like cat milk while tigger prefers water. They are very energetic and like to play but get tired easily. My favourite thing to do with them is trying to race them to the kitchen when I am going to feed them. Of course I never win but it’s always fun to try. Tigger is pretty old but still loves hugs. One time we let Tj and Frisky outside. They like it alot. I used to have 4 cats but one died. Her name was shelby. She was pretty old though. My cousins also have 3 cats. Their names are possum,lucky and simba. Simba replaced their cat that got run over. His name was scooby. He was called scooby because my cousin likes scooby doo.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

my cat eagle!

 this is a cat eagle

Monday, March 1, 2021