Thursday, November 18, 2021

Back to earth and into the jungle

 Today we did a task for our new theme "Back to earth". We did a task about the jungle and it was very fun.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Fill in the blank

 Today we did a fill in the blank earth themed. I enjoyed it because it was funny to put the words that weren't meant to be there.

Ven Diagrams

 Today we made ven diagrams of beaches/waterfalls and teachers/principals

Here is mine

Monday, August 30, 2021

Movie Plot Challenge

 Today i watched Disney Pixar movie Luca. I decided to document what happens and find out the plot. It was fun and i enjoyed watching Luca, but the tricky part was that i would watch it and then i would forget to write one part and i would be writing down the bit i needed to write down but another part i would be writing down the bit that happened before that. 

Luca Plot

At first we see a ship gliding through

the water and they are trying to fish.

Luca jumps over as they are terrified and

start to push the net down. Then we see Luca underwater. His mum calls

his name and he heads back to her.

He has his meal, and swims back to the fish.

We see a diver come up behind him as he shrieks in fear.

Turns out, the diver was a fish named Alberto.

He gets rocks and carves into them to make a

human-like rock figure. He names him Smoogum,

And goes back out of water and Alberto teaches

him how to walk. They make a handshake and he

shows Luca his house, air, and gravity, and falls

through a bush. They build a type of bike and

Luca heads back home. The next day he goes

back with Alberto and they ride it down a cliff,

Alberto flings into the water. They make another

one and ride together. Alberto teaches him to say

“Silencio Bruno!” They nearly fly into a rock as

Luca flings it apart. They look at the moon from the

top of Alberto’s house. His parents get really mad when

he gets back home. He goes to Alberto for advice.

They then swim to Vespa town happily, when a

boat passes them. They go into vespa town and

they come across senior vespa. There are kids

that kick the ball to Luca and he kicks the ball

back and senior vespa comes along and nearly

turns Luca into a fish but Giulia saves them.

They go back to her house and Luca accidentally

throws water at Alberto and they slip under the

table. They agree to have a job and stay in

Giulia’s hideout. They go fishing with Giulia’s

dad. But the cat is there. They catch tons of fish

and run back to sign up to the tryathlon. They

train and finish when senior vespa tries to crash

into their boat. They stay in Giulia’s hideout once

again. They go over the roofs and look through

the telescope. He goes back to her house and

Alberto shows Luca his drawing. Senior Vespa

comes and Luca points the spear at him. They

head back and in the morning they practice.

Next they fish. The next day Giulia gets them

coffee and they practice more. They ride the

bike back to her house and Alberto gets mad

and rides the bike into the water. They argue

and Giulia comes back, and Alberto shows

Giulia his true form. Alberto swims away from

them. Luca goes to find him. Luca goes back

but Alberto doesn’t want him there. Alberto told

Luca his dad left. Luca decides to do it himself and

when they get to the biking Alberto comes to help

Luca, but it starts raining. Luca helps Alberto

from getting captured and they nearly get hit

by senior vespa’s spear but they don’t and

senior vespa calls them monsters, but Giulia’s dad

declares them as winners and they are very happy.

Luca’s parents come back and they get back together

as a team. Luca’s parents and Giulia’s dad have

dinner together. Giulia goes back to school and

Luca’s parents come and tell him he can go.

Alberto stays behind. Luca hops on the

train and says his last goodbyes to Alberto. 

I think the plot is about friendship and how

sometimes you have to leave someone behind.

Friday, August 27, 2021

My scrumptious meal

This week we are learning how to make our own meal with instructions. This is mine.

The fun part was making the meal and the tricky part was finding the ingredients. 

Would you try my meal? Why or why not?

Ham Sandwich and Drink

Ingredients you will need:




Drink (Some sort or not at all)

Glass for drink


First you get two pieces of bread and spread the butter across them.

Next, put the ham on the bread.

Then pour your drink into the glass.

Finally, enjoy your meal!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Blog Comment Scavenger Hunt

 For cybersmart we did a comment scavenger hunt. We had to have a buddy and i buddied up with Alley. It was fun but the tricky part was keeping track of which ones we'd already done. What do you think?

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Animal Context Clues

 This week we are learning how to do context clues. We did an activity and it was really fun but the tricky part was finding what the words mean. Is there something you think looks hard?

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Context Clues

For reading i have been learning about context clues. It was fun but the tricky part was finding if the answers made sense. Next time i might change a couple answers. Do you like context clues?

Monday, July 26, 2021

Majestic Mosaic Digital Art

 Today We Were Doing Mosaic Art! I Did A Penguin. It Was Really Fun But Next Time I Would Do A Different Animal. Did You Enjoy Looking At My Art And Why?

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Matariki Scavenger Hunt

 For this special accasion known as Matariki we were doing Matariki slides for our inquiry. I did the scavenger hunt first.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Super Fun Division!

 This week we were learning how to divide. It was fun, and the tricky part was i didn't like watching the video because it was kinda boring. The part i enjoyed the most was i liked doing the whole thing.

Drawing Conclusions

 This week we were learning how to draw conclusions. My favourite part was all of it. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Friday, June 11, 2021

Creating a glossary of Samoan value

 Creating a Glossary of Samoan Value 

You need to use the Samoan dictionary to translate these words 

What does/do values mean? How much a thing is worth 

Glossary: You need to use the only Samoan dictionary to translate these Samoan values into English. Translating these words to English will help us better understand what is important in Samoan culture. 

Samoan Value 

English Translation 








In love

Tautala Samoa 

Speak Samoan







Super Symmetry and Transformations


Thursday, June 10, 2021

Main idea Cat Debate - Cats are "Evil" or "Misunderstood"

Cat debate- After listening to the podcast write down the evidence/reasons why people think cats are “Evil” or “Misunderstood”

Cats are Evil 

They scratch and bite.

They tear up furniture.

They bring in bugs,insects and birds. 

They hiss

Cats are Misunderstood

The people that complain about cats probably don’t even have one themselves.

Cats are loving and make good companions.

Cats live for longer than most dogs and when they sit on your lap they pur and meow. 

Summary: What you believe and why… I believe cats are misunderstood because they are not at all “Feral beasts” They are loving companions that like to be a part of your everyday life. They love to accompany you when you are sad.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Amazing Indentity Art! What makes me Hayleigh?

Amazing Identity Art!

I have been learning about what an Identity is for our new Term Two topic. 

This term we were learning about identity! We did pictures of ourselves with crayons. We also wrote about what makes us us above our pictures.

I liked it because it was fun and I enjoyed colouring it.

 Did you enjoy looking at my artwork?

Friday, May 28, 2021

Planet animation


Learning prefixes stellar superstars


Words that start with re

  1. Reflex, ready, 

Words that start with un

  1. Unusual, unforgettable, unreal, 

Words that start with bi

  1. Bicycle, bite, birthday, billion

Words that start with dis

  1. Disrespectful, despicable

Inferring feelings in books

 This week i learnt how to infer feelings in books. It was fun but if i did this again i would make more examples. What do you think of my work?

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Character inferring!

 This week we are learning how to infer. The task was we had to create a image for a reader to use they're inferring skills. I created this image. I enjoyed the work because it was fun to create a character and making them look like they feel a certain way. What do you infer the character is feeling?

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Fun blog post makeover!

 For cybersmart the year 4's were doing a blog post makeover while the year 3's got there blogs. The post below is the one i remade: Go check out the new version! I enjoyed this task a lot because i really think that post needed a remake. What post would you remake on your blog!


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Fun blog treasure hunt!

 Today for cybersmart we did Blog treasure hunt!

I did my friend Sirat's blog. 

I enjoyed it because i like looking at my friends blogs.

Next time i don't think i would change anything.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Make an array


Leap poem

Riddles, and visualisation

 Use your visualisation skills to figure out what the riddle is trying to describe. Add a photo of the answer in the box on the right. 

I am known as a king

The jungle’s where I reign

It is hard to tame me

And I have a large mane

I travel very slowly

When gliding along the ground

Maybe my shell weighs me down

In your garden I am found

I like to use my long tongue

To eat leaves from tops of trees

I don’t have to climb up though

With my long neck it’s a breeze

Voices boom from the big speakers

People shuffle to their big red seats and sit down

The smell of popcorn is all around

Where am I?

I have four legs and though they are short

I can eat any predator with a snap and a chomp!

I live in lakes and rivers, I can swim very fast

I have many rows of teeth, watch me creep and creep

A stallion’s a male

A female is called a mare

You can ride on one of these

On a carousel at a fair

I like to hop around

I’m a tadpole when I’m young

I am green and I croak

And catch flies with my long tongue

If you see one when you’re camping

It might give you a big fright

They can be black, brown or grizzly

And pandas are black and white

Some types slither on the ground

And some can live up in the trees

Adders, vipers and cobras

What kind of animals are these?

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Multiplacition stories


Amazing arrays

 I am learning to use Arrays in maths eqautions.

it was fun, 

what do you enjoy about my work?

Monday, May 3, 2021

Amazing Arrays!

For the first week of this second term we were learning how to use arrays. i learnt how to do it last year but it was very fun.

i enjoyed everything. 

i don't think i would change anything if i ever did it again.

what are your opinions on my work? 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Anzac acrostic poem - topic

 This week for topic, my classmates were making stuff for anzac day. Here is my acrostic poem. It's about anzac.    i enjoyed doing it, and next time i woulden't change anything. do you like my work? 

Time teller - maths

 this week for maths i was working out how to tell the time. i enjoyed it.

next time i would change were the quarter past mark is.

do you like my work?

Monday, April 12, 2021

Predicting pets

 i predicted pets this time.

do you like my work?        i enjoyed it.

Predicting please please for the bees - reading

 Yet more predicting! my reading group, Toutouwai was predicting please please for the bees this week. so here is what i have done.   i think it was very fun and i enjoyed trying to predict what was going to happen when i flicked onto the next slide. next time i would change my predictions. what do you think of my work.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

The chromebook that got saved by a cat

 We were learning about how to use google slides to make animations for cybersmart. I made one about a cat that saved a chromebook twice from being dropped.                     I think it was very fun to do and next time i would change the order of events

Do you think it is interesting?

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Week nine writing - Dear Auckland council


Week 9 Title: dear Auckland council

Dear Auckland council the new houses are bad because there ugly and homeless people still can’t live there because they cannot afford it. It is also bad because it is getting rid of trees and birds nests. I don’t like them because they do have more houses but the people that live in them should go back to were they came from.

I think that I should try and make the stories the same length.

Week eight writing - Superman's dilema


Week 8 Title: Superman's dilema

Despite being a brave and strong man that saves lives, even superman has problems. He loves his job, who wouldn't? Saving people is great. Suddenly the calm atmosphere of walking around the city had been interrupted by a call, the person said “please come my cat is stuck in a tree with my child. Normal people call the fire department but not people that live in this city. He went and got them out of the tree. He had been doing lots of stuff today, like rescuing people. “It is very exhausting,” he said. But the person thanked him anyway. He flyed around the cold airy city and finds trouble. There was a man throwing bowling balls everywhere, he swooped down like a hawk and landed on his feet like a cat. The man jumped back shouting “superman!?!?” superman put his hands on his hips and said “that's right!” the man ran off in fear. Superman picked up all the bowling balls and returned them to the bowling club. Superman started walking around the city again making sure no one was in danger. There wasn’t any trouble for a long time after that.

Week seven writing - The dust storm


Week 7 Title: The dust storm

Today on the middle school playground I was on the monkey bars when I saw pieces of bark flying in the air. I thought it was someone throwing bark so i didn’t worry about it. When i went down the slide there were people climbing up the slide and I said “why are you climbing up the slide?” they screamed “there’s a tornado!” but if i wanted to see it there was one problem, i was going down the slide and they were going up… i waited for them to squeeze past me and slid down the slide to take a look and saw leaves and dust swirling around, a bit of dust got in my eyes and i saw mrs gavender. I was shocked because there had not been a dust storm in New Zealand for a long time. But within a matter of seconds it was gone, it wasn’t long before the bell rang. It was pretty weird. 

Week six writing - the falling sand spheres


Week 6 Title: The falling sand spheres 

I went to the beach on Saturday with my friend Emma and we saw these big spherical shaped things while we were walking. I sat on it and fell through it because it was sand. I got a wet bum. We went to a nearby ice cream stall. I got an ice block and emma got a chocolate ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. we went swimming in the ocean. My mum was taking a photo for instagram with a dog filter and she thought that the big circle was a glitch in the filter. Then she looked behind her and screamed. One of them fell on Emma's head but it disintegrated. The next day I found a pile of sand and a broken window. I told my dad and he went to his car to try and fix it. There was a big clump of sand on his car so he had to go into the car wash. We fixed the window and my brother asked where his bird went. We found that Cleo had escaped because there was another one of the circle things on her cage. 

Monday, March 29, 2021

Time teller - maths


in the end - predicting

 In the End- Predicting how the story will end 

When the prediction was made… 

My Prediction 

Using Title

It will probably be about war.

Using Cover Images

There are photos/drawings of a man that has army gear on.

End of Page 3


Don will probably get hurt.

End of Page 6 

The medical person will come.

End of Page 10

Maybe they will try and kill the people

End of Page 12

The guy on the bed might pass.

How close were your predictions to how this story ended? 

Pretty close

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Using place value tens

  1. 40+20=60

  2. 60+10=70

  3. 40+50=90

  4. 24+30=54

  5. 54+20=74

  6. 72+10=82

  7. 56+40=96

  8. 13+50=63

  9. 80+12=92

  10. 35+40=75